List House Selling Things To Do

Beachfront house sale Perth

Tips/advice on things to do when selling a house in Perth Western Australia. This list is compiled to help first-time Perth house sellers get:

  1. Legal requirements according to Western Australian land law done
  2. Be ethical in the sale of a house. Disclosure.
  3. Get the best price for the sale of their house.
  4. Avoid mistakes in selling a house.
  5. Reduce the stress in house sales.
  6. Contact Ben for a free linked pin showing the location of your house for sale on the popular, 1.9M view, Google Map of Perth WA.


When marketing the sale of your own house remember that Australian consumer protection laws apply. In particular false and misleading conduct. You can’t for example show photos of a house for sale near the beach when it’s not your house nor near the beach when it’s not. You can’t sell a house without the owner/s’ written consent. Conveyancing in Perth must be done by a licensed settlement agent. Click to see a list of legal documents including the house sale contract.


Feel good about yourself that you’ve been fair in your house sale marketing and dealings. Hidden house-selling tricks can backfire on you in the future. Eg If you’ve covered over a toxic waste dump in your backyard, disclosure is the best policy. If your roof rafters are riddled with termites, fest up before the buyer’s termite inspector reports it. Otherwise, the sell-and-buying negotiations would have been a waste of everyone’s time.

It’s illegal to get someone drunk when signing house sale contracts. It happened to my partner of 10 years when I was on holiday. A Perth property developer’s agent got my partner drunk to sell her house for only $6M.


Don’t do unnecessary house renovations to bump up your Perth house selling price. House buyers might not like the Perth renovations you’ve done. Keep your Perth house selling price lower by avoiding extensive Perth renovation services. Overdoing renovations can be a big mistake when selling a house in Perth.
To know an accurate house market value in Perth, I recommend you use THE most experienced, free Perth property appraisal expert, Geoff Baldwin whose REMAX head office is at Hillarys Boat Harbour.

If you’re not selling your own house but know someone who is selling their Perth house then collect a $500 lead tip from REMAX Exchange for a successful sale.

House for sale listing referal commissions Perth.


One way to reduce house selling stress is to hire expert sales agents to take care of everything for your house sale. That will reduce both your stress and income from the sale. If you go down this path, recommend the best real estate agent in Perth, REMAX Exchange.

List House Selling Things To Do
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